Work With Me

mother and children

How Can I Help?

Clingy baby? Want to handle big feelings with confidence and knowledge? Looking for structure? Independent play? New sibling? Want to decrease the yelling and tension in your home and focus on building healthy relationships? Work with me.

Let me help you rock the early years of parenting!

Private Parent Coaching

30 Minute Phone Consultation and action plan


How It Works:

Phone consults are for caregivers who would like to troubleshoot a specific and direct question pertaining to mindful and positive parenting. This option is for you if you want to collaborate and learn best through talking and processing with someone else. The ability to ask questions in real time is available through phone consults.


This option is for parents who want to improve ONE tough part of parenting. The question needs to be specific so I can help you fine tune strategies.


$150 for 30 minute phone or zoom consultation that includes an email with a written plan, and access to Kirsten for 2 weeks after consultation to help troubleshoot or ask more follow up questions. 
Once you schedule a consultation time (PST), you will receive a PayPal invoice to complete the purchase. 

At the end of the phone consult, you will gain:

  • Access to tips you can begin to implement that work with your child and family.

  • Links to resources that relate to your topic from researched based sources such as bogs,

    websites, and book links.

  • Clearer understanding on how to stay on the right track in supporting your child.

  • Two weeks of follow up access through email, asking any questions you have related to your goal.

Scroll Down To Book!

*These will take place M-Th 7am-7pm PST. A 12-hour cancellation policy is required.

Old School Snail (E)mail

Support for Your Family Via Email



How It Works:


Email consults are for caregivers who would like to troubleshoot a specific and direct question pertaining to mindful and positive parenting. This option is for you if you would rather have all the tips and knowledge available to read and refer back to.


This option is for parents who want to improve ONE tough part of parenting. The question needs to be specific so I can help you fine tune strategies. I will answer your email within 48 hours.

At the end of the email consult, you will gain:

  • Access to tips you can begin to implement that work with your child and family.

  • Links to resources that relate to your topic from researched based sources such as bogs, websites, and book links.

  • Clearer understanding on how to stay on the right track in supporting your child.

  • Two weeks of follow up access through email, asking any questions you have related to your goal.


I often have a waitlist for consultations since I only take on a couple clients a month. Please email me below, and I will add you to the waitlist or let you know of any upcoming availabilities.

Package 1: 3 in 3


original price $450

How It Works:

This package is for you if you have one or two parenting pain points you would like support with, and want to see behavior changes over the next month. This is for you if you need quick tips and guidance in the moment, and want to know the best way to respond to your child in specific scenarios such as hitting, whining, backtalk, sleep,new sibling, anxiety, new routine, potty learning, or aggression.

  • 3 consultations (30 minutes on zoom) over 3 weeks.


  • Unlimited email and phone access for quick-in-the-moment support or troubleshooting behavior and parenting responses throughout the 3 weeks.


  • Written summary of 3 consultations and ability to record consults to share with other caregivers or watch back at a later time.

Package 2:
Total Parenting Reform


original price $750

How It Works:


This package is for you if you have a spirited or sensitive child and none of the mainstream parenting tips seem to be helping behavior. Working long-term together, we will be able to talk about what your specific child’s needs are, learn about their brain, and learn how to parent them in a way that aligns with your unique child and your parenting style.


This package helps you understand your child’s long term behavior patterns, and sets you up for parenting success in all areas. You will leave these sessions feeling confident, relaxed, and hopeful. We will tailor interventions to your child’s temperament, and I will be with you holding your hand through each parenting hurdle over a 6 week timeframe.

  • 5 consultations (30 minutes on zoom) over 6 weeks.


  • Unlimited email and phone access for quick in the moment support or troubleshooting behavior and parenting responses throughout the 6 weeks.


  • Written summary of 5 consultations and ability to record consults to share with other caregivers or watch back at a later time.

Have More Questions? Ready to join the waitlist? Send me an email!


  1. What if I have a few follow up questions I walk to talk through after the two weeks are over?

  2. That makes a lot of sense! Some behaviors we can change in a few days, and others take time. Email consults are a great way to feel empowered and equipped with tools to use when parenting feels tough. We can’t cover everything in one email, so I would recommend a follow up email consult or phone consult if you would like a more “deep dive” into fully understanding the big picture. Many families schedule a few consults at once as a way to check in with me and troubleshoot things as they arise.


If long term coaching seems to be a better fit for you, please email me at and we can create a plan of action.


Are the phone consults on the phone or over zoom?

It is up to you! Of course I love to see you “in person”, and also understand that you might need to take a call from your car or a rocking chair with a sleeping baby under you. If you would like to speak via zoom, please let me know and I will send you a zoom link before our scheduled meeting.


What is your approach?

I have a masters degree in Early Childhood Education & Human Development and Family Systems. I have taken courses and studied the RIE philosophy for 8 years, and am certified as a Positive Discipline Educator. Other trainings include infant and toddler mental health, emotional coaching, and attachment theory. I believe children are whole people, worthy of respect and connection. I pull my theories off of how children learn best, through brain science and child development.

I am not able to diagnose or treat mental health disorders.

What if I don’t know if a phone or email consult would be better or how many sessions I need?

Please email me at and we can collaborate on how to best move forward to help you in the more efficient way.


What topics have you coached past families on?

Topics have included getting out of bed at night, creating a schedule for a SAHM, supporting a child who hated reading, pulling the dogs tail, throwing food on the floor, spitting at a sibling, taking snacks without asking, aggression, setting up a play space, after school meltdowns, pinching new baby, name calling, creating “yes” spaces for play, quiet time, getting hair wet in bath, how to introduce potty training at one year old, participating in gymnastic class, etc.


What’s the process?

  1. Schedule an email or phone consult through the website.

  2. Look for an invoice from myself and Paypal. This must be paid before our meeting or before

    I reply to your email.

  3. Show up to our meeting or look for an email from me to help you feel more equipped as a parent!

  4. I understand things come up with kids and daily life. If you need to reschedule, please just email me a couple hours before our consult.

In The Shop

Have More Questions? I'm a Click Away.

Don’t forget, in addition to working with me, you can always browse the blog for additional advice.