What is Mindful Parenting?

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Mindful parenting is counter-intuitive to traditional styles of parenting. It’s researched backed and proved over and over, based on how children learn best.

Mindful parenting is NOT permissive parenting. 

Have you ever thought the parenting philosophies that focus on respect, connection and empathy can be permissive? Do you ever think that children need strict rules, enforce punishments and should obey adults? That this way of parenting is fluffy and is raising too sensitive of children? OR Have you ever thought it gives children too much freedom without rules, where the line between leader and child is blurred?  It’s okay! IF you want to know what mindful parenting is:

Mindful Parenting IS: 

  • Setting healthy boundaries and following though. This might sound like sound like: “When you throw food, dinner is done.”
  • Maintaining control over your home by eluding a sense of confidence and leadership. “We work together in our home to keep it clean. Would you like to clean up the legos or puzzles?” 
  • NOT being afraid or trying to avoid our children’s big feelings aka “giving in” to a child to scoot around a tantrum. 
  • Using how children learn to make intensional choices without fear or shame. 

Mindful parenting is a journey, that starts and ends with us. It is a practice that we will never fully do right, all of the time. It is crucial for establishing respectful and healthy relationships with our children.

If you would like to know more, come follow me on Instagram or drop me an email.