How to Adjust to a New Sibling

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Here are 5 simple tips you can implement TODAY to help your older child adjust to a new sibling.

Jackson was a few days old and I was holding him in bed. Connor ran into our room, and as he was about to jump in our bed, he saw Jackson in my arms and fell to his knees sobbing, “my mama, my mama.” It was the most gut wrenching, heartbreaking cry I have ever heard. If you are expecting a new baby, or sibling rivalry is a challenge, here is a list of 5 ideas that I wish I had implemented sooner. 

  1. Respond to your oldest child first: “You both want to be held. Im going to set down the baby and give you the biggest hug of the day!”
  2. Talk about negative feelings: “Are you sad baby sister is here? I get it, it’s a big change.”
  3. Decrease resentment: SAY: “Who can tiptoe the quietest past baby brother?” INSTEAD OF: “You are so loud! You woke your brother.”
  4. Establish boundaries early: “I’m not comfortable when you climb on me as I’m nursing. You can sit or lay down next to me.”
  5. Make time for connection: “I am so excited for our time together after your sister goes to bed. What would you like to do?”

If you would like more tips and honest dialogue around what the transition from 1 to 2 children was like for us, and what WORKED, read my blog post: What I wish I Knew about bringing home baby #2.

For a related post, go to What I Wish I Knew About Bringing Home Baby #2.