This shop has been compensated by Inmar Intelligence and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #Inmarideasthatmatter Books transport you to different worlds. Books allow you to try on different roles, walk in other’s shoes, and dream big. Dolly Parton, founder of The Imagination Library, believes that every young child, regardless of their families income, should have access to books. The Imagination Library mails free, age appropriate, high quality books to families around the world monthly.

  • Comments Off on This shop has been compensated by Inmar Intelligence and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #Inmarideasthatmatter Books transport you to different worlds. Books allow you to try on different roles, walk in other’s shoes, and dream big. Dolly Parton, founder of The Imagination Library, believes that every young child, regardless of their families income, should have access to books. The Imagination Library mails free, age appropriate, high quality books to families around the world monthly.

As a former early childhood teacher in a title one school, I was introduced to The Imagination Library when one of my students brought one of the books he received to school for show and tell. He told our class that every night, he curls up in bed and studies the pages. He traces the letters with his fingers, and makes up stories in his head about the characters. He also told our class that the books he received monthly from The Imagination Library were the only books in his home. He cherished these books more than any toy he owned. From that day on, I encouraged every student in my class to sign up for The Imagination Library. Along with Dolly Parton, I believe in the power of books. 

When Dolly Parton founded The Imagination Library, she didn’t know the impact she would have on children’s lives. My own two kids receive books monthly. They eagerly check the mail, and delight when there is a book from Dolly. When they outgrow a book, we place it in our neighborhood book mailbox. One afternoon, we were on a walk and we got to see a little girl squeal with glee as she opened the book mailbox and grabbed a beloved book from Dolly’s foundation that we had placed in there. Every month when books arrive in mailboxes around the world, children are reading, learning, joyful, and celebrating their love for books.

So much thanks to Dolly Parton and The Imagination Library for changing children’s lives near and far. To check availability in your area, head over to
